This Is What HOTGLUE can look like
It’s actually a huge rock.

A huge spherical boulder, perhaps four or five metres in diameter.

It’s possible to clamber, with some difficulty onto the top of this boulder.

It’s quite big enough for two or three people to sit comfortably without any fear of falling off.

If the sun is shining in a particular way you get some wonderful shadows coming from the surrounding hills.

It has an extraordinary air of serenity about it.

One sits on this rock, enormously solid lump of rock, rooted in the earth, very stable, extremely ancient.
A lot of rot
Stick & Stones
A hole lot of rock
This rock we sit atop
This rock we stick to
This whole rock
A lot
Our lot
It’s actually a huge rock.

A huge spherical boulder, perhaps four or five metres in diameter.

It’s possible to clamber, with some difficulty onto the top of this boulder.

It’s quite big enough for two or three people to sit comfortably without any fear of falling off.

If the sun is shining in a particular way you get some wonderful shadows coming from the surrounding hills.

It has an extraordinary air of serenity about it.

One sits on this rock, enormously solid lump of rock, rooted in the earth, very stable, extremely ancient.